Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hair Inspiration: Braids

Are you a fan of feminine look? Well, I am and braids are the best way to show your soft and romantic side to the world.

Braids are awesome if you want to take your bangs away from your face or if you want to take your hair to a side and make it look different from other ocassions. This hairstyle is perfect for going to a picnic, having brunch, even going shopping.

They look amazing and effortless, super casual but super chic as well. Dresses, blouses, tank tops, shorts, jumpsuits and sweaters are just perfect for this kind of look.

So try making a different style for your, braids are beautiful: no matter if you use the classic one or a fishtail braid, they are amazing for any day of the week.

1 comment:

  1. I really like these, I love to braid my hair, its such a fun and chic way to wear your hear and its great to keep it all out of your way on a hot day!!

    great pics



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